AzAIR sponsorship

AzAIR is the Arizona Association for Institutional Research. It is composed of individuals who are employed within Arizona’s public and private, two and four-year colleges, and others who are interested in the study of postsecondary education. It is a state affiliate of the National Association for Institutional Research. 

The Annual AzAIR Conference

Institutional research is applied to serving the data needs of many groups within the organization. This is especially true in smaller settings. As a result, IR shops help develop data strategies across a broad array of college/university projects and initiatives. Each year, the Association holds an annual conference to share ideas, research methodologies and explore new technologies.

The two-day event offers a unique opportunity for your organization to connect with a dynamic and enterprising group of higher education professionals seeking the latest technologies and services to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of their work. AzAIR sponsors receive invaluable brand exposure, and your investment in this event will deliver lasting benefits. Sponsorships are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Monetary Sponsorship Opportunities

In order to keep costs down for attendees, AzAIR depends on local and institutional sponsorship.  We are currently looking for sponsors who would be willing to help us reach our goal.  

Payment Options

Once you have decided on your sponsorship level or if you have further questions, please send an email to

Thank you for your time and consideration of support of an AzAIR Annual Conference.