2021 AZAIR
(Subject to Change)

2021 Conference registration
What is the cost of the Virtual Conference registration?
How do I register for the conference?
Click here and follow the step through payment. A confirmation of your successful registration is emailed.
How do I access the conference?
Prior to the event, an email will be sent with the Zoom link.
Who do I contact with registration questions or Issues?
Send an email to Marnie Girard at marnie.girard@asu.edu
Frequently asked questions
Can I register a group of people from my office?
Yes, you can register more than one person on the same registration. If there are fees involved with this event, the fees for all registrants in the group will be added together and charged to the first person in the group. Only one form of payment can be used for group registration.
What are the Payment Options?
When finalizing registration, you will see three payment options.
1) QUIKPAY (for Credit Card payments)
To pay by credit card, select the QuikPay option. When you select the "Make Payment"l link,
you will be taken to the QuikPay website to pay your fees.
Once the transaction is complete, you will be returned to your registration.
Checks Payable To:
AzAIR Conferences
Mailing Address:
AZAIR Conferences
Attn: Bernice D. Posey ASU - AzAIR Receivables
PO Box 875304
Tempe, AZ 85287-5304
Federal Tax ID# 860196696
3) INVOICE (for Internal Transfers Only)
This option is limited to Arizona State University staff. Departments will be billed directly through Workday.
Enter the required information as follows:
Billing Company: Arizona State University/YOUR DEPARTMENT NAME
Billing Name: Change to your Departmental Billing Contact
PO #: Cost Center and Program (example: CC1234/PG01234)
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations received after April 9, 2021 are not eligible for refund. Refunds will be issued within 30 days of cancellation notification.
Registrations may be transferred to another individual. Transfers must be completed by April 19, 2020. Please contact marnie.girard@asu.edu to transfer your registration.
No-shows are not eligible for a refund.
Direct Questions To: Bernice D. Posey by phone at (480) 965-4996 or email at Bernice.Posey@asu.edu.